Comalapa, night under the stars, picnic with david, talking with demetrio, soccer compliments, toe, living sitch, playing pots and pans and disney songs
So after being trapped in beautiful san pedro for a week and re-planning the rest of my life I finally made it to comalapa.
Being in the highlands and still rainy season it was freezing and the conditions could definitely be considered rustic... I lived in litterally a shed and I could see through my walls, our dry compost toilet and solar shower were outside and the site we worked on was a half hour walk up a mountain of mud. And I loved it!
In the mornings we would all either make a collective breakfast or pack our lunch then we worked all day digging ditches, hauling gravel, sifting sand, or decorating with mud and cow shit. We made lunch together, went to town played soccer, lived a full life. Again for dinner we would all cook together then play music into the night. Meaning we would get out pots and pans for drums, play the banjo and sing disney songs. These are not things I would normally do or relish in, coming from the states I would much rather drive than walk anywhere and probably cook for myself maybe three times a year. But once I was thrown into this totally opposite life style I was hooked; its like the feeling of being fully alive. and I started to love walking for hours everyday not to be healthy but because thats what I needed to do to get where I needed to be, I fully owned everything I accomplished in comalapa, because I wasn't relying on anything but my own body or mind. Gas and machinery didn't take care of transportation, I did. McDonalds didn't make my food, I did. And although I bought the ingredients I bought them from the person that grew it, raised, killed it, whatever.
It all felt like being baptized in a waterfall, I couldn't have planned it and I don't think I can replicate it, but I want to figure out how to use it, not forget it. We joked this should be sold as a retreat, to become one with your body and your world, because honestly I can not imagine finding this feeling at a yoga retreat eating all the right foods, I think its because this is the way we were meant to live.